What Are You Feeling?
Perhaps you are waking up and starting to feel your old pain story popping up as if out of nowhere. It's silently following you around like a shadow that you can't shake.
Perhaps you're trying to stuff down fits of anger, guilt, betrayal, fear, grief, unworthiness, feeling lost, unfulfilled, unlovable or stuck...
Or shame.
Disconnect from life.
What can happen when you temporarily drown out these silent cries for help with another glass of wine, a new pair of shoes, an ongoing dysfunctional relationship (someone is better than no one) is that you can become emotionally and physically sick.
You lose your zest for living...
Perhaps you start feeling a growing ache in your heart and soul...
That Feels depleted...
Disappointed in life...
And wonder, "Is this as good as it gets?"
"What am I doing wrong?"
Understand this...
If you relate to this, it's because your higher self is calling out, saying, "It's time to let go of the old baggage and shift into new possibilities."
...Of hope, joy, love and inner peace.
It's time for you to start living the best version of YOU. The one you dream of who is happy, healthy, feels good in your body, confident, strong and looking forward to life.
It's time to take control and own your life.
Whether you are seeking help with relationships (with self or others), money struggles, your spiritual awakening, overall emotional well-being...
Perhaps you are even starting to break free from deeply rooted family systems around religion that no longer serve your highest good.
...it's time to ask for help.
We can set up a step-by-step plan for your greatest outcome.
A plan that reconnects you with your joy, elevates your life and heals and expands your possibilities...
Giving yourself the gift of love, peace and freedom that your soul is searching for.
Who This is For...
If you're seeking massive change, quickly, so that you can stop the maddening cycles and patterns that keep you stuck. Find yourself banging up against a wall that keeps you from your higher potential.
Feel that what you really desire is just out of reach...
Then you're in the right place.
If you feel like your inner world is actually an emotional mess and you're seeking a way to find inner peace and emotional well-being so you can have better health, find your joy and become the happiest, most fulfilled version of yourself - the woman you were born to be...
Then you're in the right place.
If you simply want MORE out of life and not sure how to get it...
Then you're in the right place.
If you'd like to feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually...
Then you're in the right place.
If you're seeking to find your value and know that you are loved and that you matter...
Then you're in the right place.
If you are ready to love and nurture yourself...
Then you're in the right place.
If you are ready to feel safe, alive and thriving...
Then you're in the right place.
If you long for a better relationship with yourself, others, money or Spirit/God/Universe/Source...
Then you're in the right place.
If you are tired of feeling invisible and yearning to be seen and heard...
Feel undervalued and ready to claim your worth...
Then you're in the right place.
If you feel abandoned and wounded by life and open to help and support...
Then you're in the right place.
Decide to Thrive - Customized and Personalized Coaching For You. Your Heart. Your Soul...
Offering one-on-one and group coaching, mentoring and holistic approach to deep, lasting transformation.
Heal your broken heart, wounded soul and sad and anxious inner child.
Release ancestral trauma, birth trauma, inherited stress responses, bad habits, destructive patterns, limiting beliefs, poverty mindset and more.
Breakthrough walls and end destructive cycles.
It's your life. What are you ready to let go of today that's blocking your joy?
Click For More InfoAbundant Living by Design...Helping You Reach Your Next Level of Success
Do you have an unfulfilled goal, dream or desire? Do you know, deep within your soul that you could BE even more...yet something is holding you back?
If so, it's time to stop living "by default" and start designing the better life that you deserve.
You don't have to keep struggling or do this alone. Laser focused one-on-one coaching may be the key to realizing your next level of joy.
Click For More Info
"My sales have more than quadrupled..."
"Running my own business used to be a real struggle for me. I would work all day, every day, and could never make much progress - sales were stagnant and I always felt stressed out and overwhelmed. I started working with Wendy about a year ago; that’s when everything changed for me. She helped me to develop the mindset I needed to work smarter and succeed as an entrepreneur without all the struggling. With Wendy’s expert coaching and guidance, I’ve learned how to build my business in a way that feels easy and effortless, and my sales have more than quadrupled. Having Wendy as my coach has been an instrumental part of my success."
Patrick McGilvray
The Weight Loss Coach for Runners
Host of the popular Running Lean podcast
www.runningleanpodcast.com www.innerfiretribe.com

“No more excuses!”
"The Money Magnetizer course made me take a good look at my limiting money beliefs and the tools to change them. This lit a fire under my butt to dig deeper. Clear them out and quit making excuses. Great class content in every lesson. Wendy is a fabulous teacher."
Christa Blaustein

“Safe, nurturing, authentic...”
"Wendy offers a safe, nurturing, authentic space to heal and explore - a private coaching session with Wendy is a great way to benefit from the information she receives! Her guidance allowed me to absorb deep-rooted messages that many of my "parts" needed to hear and feel."
Alli G, AZ
Contact Me
If you are serious about living your best life now, then let's connect today...
Key Benefits of Personal Growth Using Coaching and Holistic Healing...
- Relationships - How is the relationship with yourself?
- Do you loop negative self-talk, beating yourself up for being "less than"..
- Do you feel feel unworthy and apologize frequently...
- Do negative emotions simmer or rage inside you?
- What about your relationship with others?
- Do you feel unfulfilled, alone or unhappy?
- Do you recognize that something is holding you back?
- If so, then it's time for a change...
- ...Coaching and holistic healing will help you with all of this...
- You will shift into loving yourself, seeing your magnificence and remember who you really are. This changes ALL relationships.
- Money - How is your money situation?
- Is your bank account emptier than you'd like?
- Do you wish you had more?
- ...Coaching and letting go of the energetic patterns, influences and old programming will help you with all of this...
- You can easily get to the core of limiting beliefs about money that you subconsciously learned from others...
- ...And set up a powerful action plan that takes you from A to Z.
- Health - How is your emotional and overall physical health?
- Do you ever struggle with stress, anxiousness or overwhelm?
- Do you have a level of anger, sadness, grief, shame or fear?
- Are you as healthy, strong and fit as you'd like to be?
- ...Coaching and mentoring will help you with all of this...And more
- In addition to improving your relationships, money and health, there one other important area...
- ...Your soul's awakening
- If you notice a stirring, deep inside yourself, drawing you towards an unknown destination...your soul is awakening.
- If you find yourself battling to untangle from the negative mass consciousness...your soul is awakening.
- If you intuitively know that there is something more to life, then your soul is awakening.
- If you swing between clarity and confusion, then your soul is awakening.
- If you are seeking guidance and validation as you navigate the pitfalls of transforming your old pain story into your new joy story...your soul is awakening.
- It's time to remember who you really are...Your true I Am.
- ...Coaching and mentoring will help you with all of this..
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