Are You Ready to
Thrive and Not Just Survive?
If so, then know that deciding to do what it takes to let go of your silent suffering is one of the bravest decisions you could ever make. It's also an act of self-love, self-preservation...
Yes! Contact Me HereInner Peace and FREEDOM...
Having the courage to step up to the plate, take a good, honest look at your life is taking back your control.
Your Power.
You see, society has convinced you that your life is as good as it gets. Suck it up. Deal with it. You can't change anything.
Pop another pill. Drink a third glass of wine. Eat the chocolate cake. Spend the money you don't have on shoes that hurt your feet because they look good.
Get liposuction for any extra fat. Go on a fad diet. Or inject toxins into your beautiful face because it's getting older (gasp!)
Then you'll feel better.
Well, that's just not true. None of that will make you feel better.
Feeling better comes from the inside. Not the outside of yourself. Yet, that's where you were taught to look,
What IS true is that YOU get to take charge of your life. You get to shut out the chatter, opinions and closed mindedness of others.
As an emotional Being, it's important to allow yourself to actually FEEL. More likely than not, you were taught to hide or stuff your feelings.
Pretend to be happy by painting on a smile that cracks and falls when alone behind closed doors.
If you're truly ready to start living, then you ge to give yourself permission to let go of your old way of doing. And step into a new way of Being.
Yes, that can feel scary!!! The fear of change stops billions of people world wide from becoming who they were born to be.
Fear is your subconscious mind warning that you are doing something out of the ordinary and it's not sure if you are safe.
You get to override that fear, knowing that yes, you are safe taking charge of your life.
You Get to Decide to Thrive! Starting Now...
You see, the average person is trapped in an endless cycle of feeling angry, resentful, lonely, abandoned, unworthy.
Exhausted. Anxious. Sad. Jealous.
Numb (masked as resiliency or bravado.)
It's especially common if you grew up in a home where there was any level of abuse (emotional, physical, sexual or religious), a narcissistic parent or addiction.
What happens is that you can stuff down your emotions and justify your behaviors for only so long.
And Then You Get the Wake-up Call to Stop the Madness!
Either something major happens or you simply declare, "Enough!"
But where do you turn? Who do you reach out to?
It can be so confusing.
Here's what you can do...
The Decide to Thrive one-on-one, three month personalized program is designed with YOU in mind.
How it works:
Choose an area of life that's bothering you the most. The area that if you just had help with, would be so much better.
Less stress. Less confusing.
Less eating away at your mental state (that means more peace of mind!)
What Area Do You Need the Most Help With?
Ask yourself what positive changes would have the biggest impact on your life.
Ask youself what's making you unhappy? Or what are you tired of tolerating?
Choosing one key area of life is a great place to start to shift. You can build from there.
- A more peaceful partnership so there is less tension and more love.
- Better connection with your kids/parents/coworkers so that you can have more peace and fun!
- Let go of unhealthy people that are holding you back so that you feel more confident stepping into who you really are.
- Divorce/Breakup - It hurts! Heal the emotional wounds and scars so that you can move on to healthier relationships in the future.
- Own your worthiness and be open to receiving more of what you desire.
- Break through your glass ceiling and uplevel.
- Let go of family limitations that hold you back from being more than you're "allowed" to be.
- Overcome food addictions so you can eat healthier and without emotional associations.
- Improve your relationship with eating. Learn to control what you eat instead of letting food control you.
- Build healthy habits for longevity, vitality and zest for living!
- Silence your inner critic and establish a positive mindset for peace and joy.
- Grief - It hurts and holds you back. Let go and start replacing it with living.
- Clear blocks to putting yourself first so that you can stop being a doormat or people pleaser.
- Establish healthy boundaries for self-respect and self-love.
- Emotional regulation for better control and inner peace.
- Letting go of the old "male energy" of survival and stepping into your divine feminine of grace, ease and allowing.
- Feed your soul, not your ego for deeper life satisfaction.
- Release old religious guilt, shame and dogma so that you can have a clear path to what works best for YOU and not someone else.
- Explore what spirituality means to you, what it looks like for you and how to incorporate it into your daily Being so you no longer feel alone.
- Embrace your soul's awakening as you step into remembering who you really are.
- Bring out the God/Goddess inside you that's ready to shine.
You Decide How to Thrive!
Start by choosing one area to deep dive and transform over three months.
Here's a snapshot of how it looks:
1 - 90 min session.
You'll get clear on the problem, set realistic outcomes and start taking action!
9 - 60 min follow up sessions where we go in and clear out the crud that's dimming your light.
That's 10 sessions total over 3 months.
Plus ongoing support via Voxer (I'll walk you through the easy set-up) for the duration of our time together.
Plus learn new lifeskills and processes to help you move forward the rest of your life.
This is NOT talk therapy. While talking about your feelings and misery is a starting point, that's not where this ends.
Together, we'll explore and clear out what hurts you most and replace it with love, compassion and a new outlook.
How much you get out of this program is up to you. Come play full-on and you'll grow by leaps and bounds.
Who Am I?
Hi, I'm Wendy Lee Baldwin Hargett, founder of Align With Joy...Elevated Living in a New Era! I'm a Personal Empowerment leader, holistic healing facilitator and author of the best selling book, Healing Your Soul In A Chaotic World: Defying the Odds of Sanity and Survival.
My life used to be a total mess on the inside. But you couldn't tell from the outside. My painted on smile and sunny disposition did a great job of masking how I really felt.
Lots of self-loathing, insecurities, feeling abandoned, unloveable and like God's biggest mistake.
I used to suffer from anxiety, depression, battling between wanting to live and die. Not to mention, my toxic emotional state created a lot of physical dis-ease in my body.
It wasn't until I woke up and listed to the calling of my inner child and soul to heal and trasform, that my life started to turn around.
Shifting from surviving to thriving isn't easy. It's not for the faint of heart.
In this program, I hold your hand and walk with you through your shift to thriving. Using the same powerful, fast and effective techniques that I used to help save myself.
This includes clearing old energy from ancestors, healing your inner child, past life issues and more.
This opportunity is for those ready to call timeout to the BS, the lack, the insanity of being an emotional mess.
If this is you, then let's connect.
Decide to Thrive...
Reaching out for help takes courage and I commend you. If you're ready, simply contact me saying, "Yes! I'm ready!" and we'll set up a 30 min consultation to make sure this is the right fit for both of us. If it is, then you'll get an invite to work one-on-one.
Here's the recap:
Start by choosing one area listed above to deep dive and transform over three months.
Here's a snapshot of how it looks:
1 - 90 min session.
In this session you'll get clear on the problem, set realistic outcomes and start taking action!
9 - 60 min follow up sessions where we go in and clear out the emotional suffering (crap) that's hurting you on the heart, soul and subconscious level.
That's 10 sessions total over 3 months.
Plus you get ongoing support via Voxer (I'll walk you through the easy set-up) during our time together.
This is NOT talk therapy... While talking about your feelings and misery is a starting point, that's not where this ends.
Together, we'll explore and clear out what hurts you most and replace it with love, compassion and a new outlook.
How much you get out of this program is up to you. Come play full-on and you'll grow by leaps and bounds.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space is limited to a handfull of clients at a time. If there are no openings, you have the option of being on the Wait List.
Reach out today and let's get you started on your journey to thriving!
Your journey to joy.
More Reasons to Take Charge and Thrive...
- You'll become a better parent/grandparent (regardless of how old your kids are.)
- You'll become a better employee/business owner.
- You'll be more fun to be around because you're not dragging all of your old baggage around.
- You'll become a better friend.
- You'll feel and look more attractive and naturally have a more youthful glow. It's a proven fact that when people let go of the stress, they look younger.
- You'll be able to handle stressors better. Life will always throw something your way. Why not start handling it better?